Premiering December 2005
The Fifty Best

2006 Annual Edition


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Covecastles Villa Resort, Anguilla


A guide to the best restaurants in New York City . . .
for those with epicurean taste.

"Fifty" is the key word in evaluating, with the help of designated eaters, unbiased surveys and professional opinions-- which restaurants are finally chosen for the year to be in this distinguished list of fifty.

These five criteria must be met to qualify as one of
"The Fifty Best New York City Restaurants":

1. To have a proprietor and a chef who have earned a reputation for stability and  excellence for at least the past five years.

2. Serve consistently outstanding cuisine.

3. The staff must be courteous, knowledgeable and consistent.

4. The decor must be attractive; the ambience pleasing.

5. The wine list must have the breadth and depth to complement the cuisine.

The restaurants in this list are those which would be a great restaurant in any international city.
Cheers, and bon appétit.

Tips on using this website:

You can locate individual restaurants listed by Geographic Location and Cuisine Types ("Locations"), and by Name "Contents".

For symbol definitions, click "Symbols".

Link directly to a restaurant's website--
Click on the restaurant's name (above the photo) for the link page, and select "Link to Restaurant".
To request a reservation online:
From "TheFiftyBest" restaurant link page, click on "Reservation Request Hotlink".
(Subject to availability.)

Coming Soon . . . The Fifty Best NYC Restaurants
The printed version premieres December 2005!

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Revised: 02/24/05.
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